Pascal Harris
"Objets Trouve's"
11 - 17 March 2023
TUITUI art Space is pleased to announce an exhibition of works by Pascal Harris. This presentation focuses on Harris’s paintings in found objects.
Asides from his passion for music, Harris's art is deeply influenced by his complicated relationship with everyday fragments often overlooked or discarded.
"Objets Trouvés" is not just a collection of random objects, but a meticulously crafted display of Harris's keen eye for the emotional narratives hold by abandoned objects, capturing themes of loss, death and desolation to longing , sexuality and enchantment.
Image below: Pascal Harris at Lincoln Road countdown, Henderson, 2022

“One evening as the light was fading, I got out of the bus at an abandoned train station. I had determined that I would go down onto the tracks. This newfound feeling of pleasure, shy and small at first, gradually grew into an all-encompassing liberation...”
—Pascal Harris